Deal of the Week: Travel on the Cheap with the Student Advantage Card (11/29/2002)
Our Travel-Expert-in-Residence, Rudy Maxa, is a little full from all that Thanksgiving turkey -- but that's what inspired this week's Deal.
Well, Thanksgiving and Christmas are always busy times for student travel: college kids escape the dorms and head home for the holiday break.
Since the days of student standby fares are long gone, mostly due to new security rules at airports, there's something called the "Student Advantage card" -- and it can save students of all ages a chunk o' change. The card costs $20, and it's available to full- or part-time high school students, as well as undergrads and graduate students. There's no age requirement.
What's it for? Well, it's for planes, trains and automobiles -- buses, too. With the card, you get a 15% discount on Greyhound walk-up fares, discounts on Amtrak, and bargain rental car rates. But the best deal is on the US Airways Shuttle that links Boston, New York and DC. If you book 7 days ahead, and fly during non-peak hours, you pay about $115 each way. The normal price is about $220. That's good through January 15th. One footnote, though: You must stay over a Friday night. But get this: There are no blackout days over the December holidays, so it'll be very handy for East Coast students.
Perks include shopping and entertainment discounts, such as $20 off Les Miserables tickets on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night shows in New York, and 10% off Tower Record purchases.
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