Rundown for the week of November 6, 1999
Ahwahnee Lodge
You don't have to be the camping type to appreciate this country's state and national parks. Often, nestled in the natural surroundings, you can find historic inns and lodges that can often be almost as much of a treat, as the parks themselves. Perhaps the best known is located in the place Theodore Roosevelt called "the most beautiful place on Earth": Yosemite Valley, California. Kitty Felde takes us to the historic Ahwahnee Hotel.
Improving Your Swing
According to the Professional Golf Association, 300,000 people took up the sport last year. It's a phenomenon that's spawning all sorts of programs, schools and camps designed to teach people how to play. One of the country's oldest is the Stratton Golf School in Vermont. The Savvy Traveler's Pippin Ross and her husband, John, recently took a course where they dismantled their swings, hit hundreds of balls and found that in golf -- and marriage -- fun is the perfect antidote to frustration.
Remembering Berlin
One traveler remembers what it was like to be in Berlin right before the wall fell in 1989. The Savvy Traveler's Hank Rosenfeld sent us this postcard on remembering Berlin.
Jobs for People who Love to Travel
Ron and Carol Krannich have written the book about how to get a job that involves travel. It's called, appropriately, Jobs for People who Love to Travel. It tells you how you can become anything from a flight attendant to a computer programer in Uzbekistan.
Culture Watch
World Invitational Hula Festival
Deal of the Week
Crossing the Channel for less
Question of the Week
Seatmate Stories
Travelers' Advisory
Last-Minute Cruise Deals
Next Week
Be sure to come back next week as we follow one couple traveling through Israel a place where every Jew is welcome to have a home...even if sometimes you forget the address.
"His life is a never-ending flight between America and Israel -- and his life is an ongoing fight with Israel."
Hear these travelers struggle to find their fate on the Galilee. We're going to hear your stories about the oddest customs you've witnessed in your travels, then visit an English Manor...and listen, never let 'em tell you it's easy being a lord...
"We've only got two gardeners, whereas the garden used to have 24 gardeners. I just wish I could see some light at the end of the tunnel."
Hard times hit the Manderston House. His lord's solution? Open for tours. All that and more, so come along for the ride during next week's edition of The Savvy Traveler.
Cassette Copies
If you want your very own copy of The Savvy Traveler, order an audio cassette. It's easy. Just call 303-823-8000. The price is $15.