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Great Job

I just wanted to say that I just listened to your show on WNJN in Atlantic City, and I loved the segment about Donna's Place (Donna's Ranch) in Nevada. I thought it was an interesting subject, very well done, handled discretely, and had me captivated. For the same reason I love to travel, I love your show...becoming introduced to cultures and things I would never otherwise have had the opportunity.

It seems as though you never run out of great ideas to do segments on, but in case you ever do, why not a segment on literary locations...all the places in real life that inspired authors. Of course, there are the famous ones -- Somerset Maugham and the Tropics, but what about the desert of Algeria and Paul Bowles, author of "The Sheltering Sky"? What made me think of this was your segment today on New Guinea, where Margaret Mead did lots of research and where she talks of lovingly in her autobiography, "Blackberry Winter." I'm sure such a well versed guy as Rudy can come up with a few.




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