"Laughing Club stretch, Bombay, August 2001" (Photo:D.L. Ritter)
Did you know that we are rapidly approaching World Laughter Day? That's right. January 10 will
mark the 4th anniversary of 12,000 giggling, sniggling members of laughter clubs meeting to belly
laugh in unison. There are some 500 laughter clubs in India, branches in Australia and
Europe, and about 20 clubs now in the U.S. Our contributor Judith Ritter was intrigued. She traveled
with her daughter and a friend to the origin of all this group guffawing: Mumbai, India.
Laughing Club
by Judith Ritter, 1/4/2002
The Laughter Doc at his office with the author, Judith
Ritter, and her daughter Devorah, Bombay, August 2001. (Photo credit: Yael Wexler)
Dr. Kataria leads the one meter laugh and stretch, Bombay,
August,2001. (Photo credit: D.L.Ritter)
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