a Flight Attendant
An Interview with Tim Kirkwood
Is your wanderlust stifled by your job? Well then, how about
becoming a flight attendant? You could say it's the best and worst of
jobs. Flexible hours and a chance to see the world are the benefits.
On the downside there's air rage, cramped conditions and responsibility
for the comfort and safety of a plane load of passengers. And it's not
an easy job to get. Of the 200,000 people who applied for positions
at United Airlines last year, only one percent were hired. Tim Kirkwood
is a 24-year veteran flight attendant and author of The Flight Attendant
Job Finder and Career Guide. He joins us so we can learn more about
the people who direct us to the emergency exits. And, if you're interested
in becoming a flight attendant, Tim's got a few tips.
Resources for Becoming a Flight Attendant