for the Week of December 12, 2003
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South America
It's an ideal time of year to go to South America. The seasons of the southern reaches of the continent are opposite of the U.S., which means they're just coming into the peak of summer. So, we're kicking into capoeira and paddling into the Caldas river in Brazil, and taking time to sip wine leisurely and cheaply in Argentina.
Web resource: Click here for tips on travel to and within South America
Not the Ozarks by Jim Bogan
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When we travel, we notice the similarities between different landscapes and cities. Jim Bogan is from the Ozarks of Missouri, and when he went to the remote areas of Northern Brazil, it seemed liked a very different kind of place for him. But how does that saying go? "You can take the boy out of the Ozarks, but you can't take the Ozarks out of the boy"? Jim Bogan wrapped himself in mosquito netting and dived into the Amazon experience on a river called the Caldas.
Web resources:
"Not the Ozarks" originally aired on March 15, 2003.
Mendoza Wine by Joe Zefran
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Not to take advantage of others' misfortunes, but it's a propitious time to travel to countries where the economy is suffering worse than ours. At least, that's what the director of our sister show "Marketplace" was thinking when he decided -- almost overnight -- to zip down to Argentina. Joe Zefran appreciates a good bottle of wine, and the Argentine wines have a great reputation. So, when Joe was browsing the Web and came across a dazzling fare to Buenos Aires, he packed in a hurry -- and took a spontaneous vacation.
Web resources:
"Mendoza Wine" originally aired on February 28, 2003.
Kicking into Capoeira by Sylvia Maria Gross
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Instead of lounging in the sun or reveling at Carnival, thousands of folks from around the world are coming to Brazil to train in capoeira, a martial art of kicks, sweeps and handstands developed from African movements by slaves in northeastern Brazil. Capoeira is a game played to the beat of percussion and song. And, as Sylvia Maria Gross found, many make the pilgrimage to Salvador de Bahia, where the real capoeiristas come to test themselves.
Learn more about Capoeira Online community of capoeiristas Capoeira Arts Store, for everything you need to get started in capoeira Learn the history, find a school, get involved
Web resource: Click here for tips on travel to and within South America
Looking Back on 100 Years of Flying

slideshow Captions written by Hal Humphreys.

photo: Courtesy Red Cary
Flying on the National Air Tour by Hal Humphreys
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It was exactly 100 years ago this month, that Orville and Wilbur Wright were the first in history to maintain flight in a plane. In the early years of flying, with World War I over and the '20s roaring, aviation and its vast potential caught the imagination of many Americans. More than 70 years later, we thought reporter Hal Humphreys, a pilot himself, would be the ideal person to hop a ride on the 2003 National Air Tour, a recreation of the original Ford Air Tours: 17 days, 27 cities, 4,000 miles and 28 vintage aircraft.
Web resources Nation Air Tour Web Page Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
An interview with flying legend Red Cary
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Most of us are too young to remember the early air tours. But 94-year-old Red Cary doesn't have to imagine, because Red was a barnstormer. He took thousands of passengers on their first plane ride in a 15-seat Ford Tri-Motor. Red tells us what the flying experience was like when commercial aviation was just taking off. genres.
To learn more about aviation history Online portal for aviation history sites
Sex in the City Tour by Cash Peters
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Cash Peters takes us on a pop culture tour this week. Sure, you can tour the back alleys of New Jersey where Tony Soprano does his mob dirty business on "The Sopranos" -- or, you can tour the hot spots showcased in another HBO hit, "Sex in the City". Cash goes to New York and gets utterly lost in the world of characters Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda.
Deal of the Week Ski and See Montreal! Listen in Real Audio
If time, money or politics are reasons to keep you from visiting France, our Dealmeister Rudy Maxa has a question for you: How about a "See & Ski Package" in Montreal? Shopping, world-class restaurants and skiing await you for a sweet price.
Not only is Montreal a sophisticated city with great shopping and terrific restaurants, but also you're only a 90-minute drive away from great skiing at Tremblant. Why not be the urban sophisticate and practice your French, plus get in some skiing on Tremblant's 94 ski runs?
This deal is offered by the Fairmont hotel chain, which has a great hotel in downtown Montreal, the Queen Elizabeth, as well as the Fairmont Tremblant. You can get two nights at both hotels -- a four-night stay -- plus extras, such as a couple of tickets to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, two days of lift tickets for two adults at Tremblant, $20 in casino cash, and access to indoor pools and health clubs for...$375 U.S. per person.
The package is good Sunday through Thursday until December 21st; it's available again from January 5th to the 31st. Taxes, gratuities and a resort fee are not included. If you call Fairmont to get more details, remember to tell them they're for the "See & Ski Package."