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Rundown for the Week of April 19, 2002

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Opening Of Show:

»Featured Music: United Future Organization, "Fool's Paradise" from "Now and Then"

The Commuter Race
"I really like the people. They're some of the same people I see every single day. 'Morning, John!"
--Natalie, a commuter in Birmingham, Ala., who just happens to be in our "Commuter Race."

The School Carpool
"And so something as seemingly banal as carpool has taught me an important life lesson. With the right attitude, it can be more than a commute -- it can be a downright trip."
--Pippin Ross, on how her attitude about carpooling kids changed over time.

»Featured Music: Michael Franti & Spearhead, "Stay Human (Stereo Steambath Mix)" from "Traveler 02"

Local Station Break:

»Featured Music: Fauna Flash, "Ten (Pole remix)" from "Compost 100"

Postcard: End of the Road
" I've been worrying about who I could turn to, to take care of me, my whole life. Getting in a car at 16 was a way to say, 'Screw it. I'll take care of myself.' But you can't live that way forever. "
--Nancy Updike, on how age can rob us of the one thing that gives us the most independence -- a car.

»Featured Music: John Laurie, "Men Working" from "African Swim & Manny and Lo"

Interview: Neal Peterson, CEO of Flexcar
"Here, you have access to a car, without all the costs or hassles of ownership. You're only paying for it when you use it -- and you're only using it when you need it."
--Neal Peterson, who firmly believes solo car ownership is on its way out, on the simplicity and logic of using Flexcar.

»Featured Music: Cliff Martinez, "The Police Won't Find Your Car" from "Traffic Soundtrack"

Interview: Zipcar
"Within 3 blocks of my office, or my condo, I have 4 cars that I can choose from. The cars are new, and Zipcar keeps them quite clean -- so it isn't a matter of feeling like you're impoverished."
--Gail, Pat, who took the leap and found that the Zipcar system works very well for her.

»Featured Music: Chris Smither, "The Devil's Real" from "Global Gumbo"

Local Station Break:

»Featured Music: United Future Organization, "I'll Bet You Thought I'd Never Find You" from "Now and Then"

Deal Of The Week: Oo-la-la! Fantastique French Bargains
--Our Travel Expert in Residence Rudy Maxa reveals -- not one, but -- three Deals of the Week, all with a French theme.

»Featured Music: Kodo, "Shake" from "Tataku"

Traffic Copter Tony
"Anticipation, curiosity -- even the desire to slow down and help. They are our virtues magnified into a disaster. It is why I have come here today -- to try to catch a floating bottle neck the moment it forms, and see what I can learn. "
--Tony Kahn, on his trip in a news helicopter over the freeways of Los Angeles.

Close Music:

»Featured Music: Voom:Voom, "Poppen" from "Poppen-Influenza EP"

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