We don't know
about you, but travel gives us the opportunity to do something we rarely
have the time to do at home...read. Nothing like a long flight or a delayed
flight to finally dive into that new novel. Remember when you were a kid
and your teacher would give you a summer reading list? You moaned and
groaned at the time but we bet we're not the only ones who'd welcome a
few good recommendations for some lazy days by the pool. So we've developed
our own Savvy Traveler summer reading list. Send
us your recommendations for summer reading, and browse on to see what
other listeners had to say. |
I recommend West With The Night by Beryl Markhan, about
her adventures as she carried mail, passengers, and supplies in
her small plane to remote corners of Africa from 1931 to 1936.
Well written (recommended by Ernest Hemingway) and a delightful
Memoirs of a Geisha, one of the most compelling stories
I've read in a long time. The perfect book to transport you to
a completely different time, place, and culture. Once I started
reading, I couldn't stop - just the sort of experience suited
to a vacation, where one moment seems to ease seamlessly into
the next and there are no demands to do anything at a particular
time. My only reservation -- it could be a "chick book."
Alice |
Summer reading depends on where you're going and what you're
doing on vacation or at home.
Last summer I read Le Divorce by Diane Johnson in Paris
-- divine in context! Then The Green Fool, poet Patrick
Kavanagh's story of his rural childhood in early 20th century
Northern Ireland, as I poked around Eire. I'd already given away
two copies of this book, not in print in the U.S. -- it was as
absorbing as the first time I read it 25 years ago.
If you're not really a reader, don't take The Brothers Karamazov
to the beach! Buy a bunch of magazines and relax.
If you are a reader, you'll want something that engages you.
My book club's favorite so far this year has been Body and
Soul by Frank Conroy. A big, lush coming of age story -- how
can you go wrong?
Of course, books can take you places as well. Many mystery novels
have exotic settings. Nevada Barr has written a series featuring
Anna Pigeon, a National Parks Service ranger, for instance. Elizabeth
Peters' Amelia Peabody series is a course in Egyptology -- and
absolutely hilarious. Amy Tan will take you to China, and so on,
and so on.
I love the novels of David Lodge -- his Changing Places
is a classic look at 1960s academia in England and Southern California.
Paradise News is a tender, quirky love story set in Hawaii.
Therapy takes you on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.
Potential visitors to my home state of Minnesota should pick
up Staggerford by Jon Hassler.
Last but not least, The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler
is on my personal top-ten list. The protagonist writes travel
guides for those who'd rather stay home. He's transformed by the
love of two good women and a cranky dog.
And this is only contemporary fiction. There's so much other
great writing out there -- nonfiction and travel writing, for
instance, like Mary Taylor Simeti's On Persephone's Island.
So many books, so little time -- let's all take the summer off!
Two of the best beach books I have read in recent years are
fishing related. Both are relatively short books. One is a novel;
the other is non-fiction.
The novel is John Hersey's Blues. It's the story of a
two men on Martha's Vineyard, one a fisherman, the other a landlubber
who meet. The fisherman offers to take the other with him for
an afternoon of fishing. The fisherman describes the local landscape
and the natural history of the area. At the end of the expedition
they go back to the fisherman's house and cook up the fresh catch
for dinner. There is a description of the cooking methods used,
not quite a recipe, but close enough you could duplicate it.
Subsequent chapters describe additional expeditions of the two
fishermen and go from spring throughout the summer and fall. There
are remarkable descriptions of the character of bluefish, which
are rather bloodthirsty and viscious, and the fishing techiques
used to catch them. The fish themselves become characters of the
book as their habits and characteristics change with the seasons
and water temperatures.
The two men, who are never named, develop a friendship based
on their fishing trips, but it is not the focal point of the book.
The development of the narrator, the landlubber, and his appreciation
for the ocean, and the creatures in it is well-crafted and does
not bludgeon the reader with politically-correct conservationist
tones. Blues paints a remarkable picture of the Martha's
Vineyard waters and landscape and whets your appetite for some
fresh cooked bluefish.
The non-fiction book I recommend is called Cod: A Biography
of the Fish that Changed the World. The author is Mark Kurlansky.
This book gives a history of cod fishing primarily in the north
Atlantic, beginning with the Vikings and ending with the Canadian-
American fishing wars of the 20th century. It discusses how the
cod fishing industry affected several countries and their economic
development. But Kurlansky keeps the story from being an economic
treatise and makes it a worthy beach read by including fishing
lore and recipes. The collapse of many of the commercial cod fishing
regions due to overfishing is the more sobering aspect of the
book. Nevertheless, clear prose and an enthusiasm for the subject
makes it a very readable book.
For other beach reading, I generally go for classics such as
Jane Austin or Charles Dickens or wonderful modern authors such
as Robertson Davies.
Andrea |
Anything by Joann Mapson, especially Hank and Chloe.
Anything by Alice Hoffman, of Practical Magic fame
I recently picked up a copy of Tony Hawkes book, Round Ireland
with a Fridge - his humourous account of his attempt to hitch
hike around the circumfrence of Ireland with a small refridgerator
as a travel companion. I thought it was especially entertaining
and served as a window to the unique charm and wit of the Irish
people. A refreshing change from the current glut of Irish pathos
available in print and media these days. Is it available in the
states? Would you do a review? I'd like to hear Savvy Traveler's
take on it. Would you sponsor a similarly silly travel challenge?
Miss the show greatly as I have been in the UK for 6 months. Finally
located your site. Thanks!
My recommendation: Blue Highways by William Leastheat
Depending on your tastes and your willingness to stick with
things I suggest Angel of Darkness which tells of a group of investigative
sleuths trying to catch a serial killer in turn of the century
For shorter and lighter reading I would suggest two books that
have been out for a number of years but make the summer days pass
with a light hearted view of the world.
The first is Shakespeare's Dog which chronicles the tales
of Will's sidekick and the impact the relationship has on the
bard's works, perhaps a "canine Shakespeare in love."
The second book is a travel log entitled In Search of the
Pink Headed Duck and this tells of a man's attempt to find
the last of its breed somewhere in Nepal or India. The characters
he runs across and the descriptions are worth cracking the binding.
If you are looking for a great travel read of time and distance,
I would recommend Bharati Mukherjee's The Holder of the World.
The narrator is an art historian looking for a diamond. Her treasure
hunting crosses paths with Hannah. Hannah is a seventeenth century
woman born in Puritan New England. Hannah tavels from America
to England to India following the tides of history. I gobbled
this one up like a melting Dove bar on the beach.
I thought that you also might want to include Ernest Shackelton's
diary South on your list. Shackelton was going on expidition
in 1914 to cross the Antarctic continent. His ship was locked
in the ice before he could reach land, and he and his crew spent
an entire year in the ice and on islands before reaching saftey.
Very gripping, and not at all drawn out. A must read for the summer.
John Steinbeck's Travels with Charlie is the best travel
book written. Jack Kerouac captured my imagination when I was
young, in college, and without responsibilities. Steinbeck touches
me now that I have a family. It is possible to travel, get to
know yourself by getting to know your country.
I still remember vividly the scene of Steinbeck meeting the
itinerant actor who did Shakespeare in small town high school
auditoriums. He was a man who had found a calling. By making peace
with the calling to the extraordinary in a truly ordinary way,
he became extraordinary.
Steinbeck's last chapter was true. Often a trip ends before
you have reached the destination. Those last few days can be torture,
as they were for Steinbeck. Read Steinbeck to remember that travel
is not just for the twenty-somethings, but for people of any age
who are willing to get off the tour bus.
The Lost Tomb written by Kent Weeks, Ph.D., is his enthralling
description of the rediscovery of KV-5 in the Valley of the Kings
in Egypt. "
Weeks brings to life the excitement and risks that he and his
team encountered during the dig, including floods, scorpians,
claustrophobia, and terrorist attacks....Weeks also provides a
fascinating close-up of how an archaeologist works, revealing
the tools and guesswork involved in finding such an elusive tomb..."
Truly exciting to the point of 'not being able to put the book
down,' this book deserves to be tucked along the side in the suitcase
and/or carried to the beach since it's not that cumbersome. Egypt
on the itinerary? THIS is the book to read before or DURING your
stay there!
I HIGHLY recommend it for ANY reading this summer! It's exciting!
I always thought I would like the adventure of mountain climbing
until I read John Kraukauer's Into Thin Air. It was a best
seller, made into a TV movie, and the story is the basis of the
IMAX movie Everest. I can almost feel my body cold and tired as
he climbs Everest and nearly dies in the attempt. A must read
for anyone who likes adventure travel.
Although not usually thought of as travel books, the horse-racing
mystery books by Dick Francis describe the interesting way of
life in English racing towns like Newmarket. When my partner and
I visited England several years ago we put Newmarket on our list
of must sees, noting that the Bard is no longer in Stratford or
London, but the horses still take morning exercises on the downs.
We had a delightful time there, taking a van tour organized by
the National Horse Racing Museum and seeing the very places and
stable activity we had read about in these light- weight books.
We saw horses out for morning exercise, stables built surrounding
cobbled courtyards right in town, and the riding paths that criss-cross
town for use by horses only. We were the only non- racing fans
and only Americans on the tour. Our tour guide knew every owner,
jockey, and stable. It was great fun!
So many of England's famous tourist sites are historical --
totally related to the past. Visiting Newmarket was a delight
because life was happening as we watched. Horses who raced at
Ascot the previous day were being weighed and checked by the trainers.
"Lads" cleaned out stalls. The way of life portrayed in Francis'
books is still alive for his readers to see. This doesn't sound
very profound, but it was very fun. Reading Dick Francis' books
made me want to see life in a racing town for myself. So isn't
that what a good travel book is all about?
Rebecca West wrote Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, a two-volume
book on her two trips to Yugoslavia in 1939. It is a compelling
and startlingly current account of the Balkan people their history,
alliances and enmities. Her descriptions of the dress, people,
customs, and geography of the area are beautiful and evocative,
The description of the lovely bridge at Mostar makes one almost
ache at what is being lost during these last weeks. She even predicts
that the future of the Balkans will be fought out in Kosovo. This
is a wonderful prescient book that reminds us we have as much
work as ever to do in finding new ways to address the destructive
passions in the human psyche.
By now every lover of Italy will have read Under the Tuscan
Sun by Frances Mayes...they should also try The Hills of
Tuscany by Ferenc Mate. Equally filled with charm and delights.
For travelers to Italy who want more than the usual guide book
try the Companion Guide series. Companion Guide to Rome
by Georgina Mason is a classic. The ones for Florence and Venice
are also very good.
But a travel book that is a journey far beyond most peoples
ability to duplicate is Playing With Water [and the
Great Deep] by James Hamilton-Patterson. The story of his
year spent on an isolated island in the Philippines.
Graham |
One of the best books I have ever read is Tracks by Robyn
Davidson. If you think your trip was full of problems, imagine
what Robyn went through training camels and then walking across
Australia with them all by herself. She is an inspiration for
all women travelers.
Frances Mayes - Under the Tuscan Sun and Bella Tuscany
- great summer reading - transports you to another place - and
another time as well.
Anything by Anita Shreve - The Pilot's Wife - Quick easy
Every year as soon as the weather starts getting really nice
I found myself being drawn back to Armistead Maupin's Tales
of the City series (Tales of the City, More Tales
of the City, Further Tales of the City, Significant Others,
Babycakes and Sure of You). Maupin's tale of the
residents of 28 Barbary Lane, located on Russian Hill in San Francisco
(the "city" alluded to in the title) is captivating.
Although I have re-read the series every year for the past 15
years or so, I still find myself drawn into the character's lives
and find myself completely unable to put the book down until I
turn the last page and suffer in the knowledge that Maupin has
moved on to other writing projects.
The book opens with Mary Ann Singleton, a secretary from Cleveland
on vacation in San Francisco who finds herself incapable of escaping
the city's magic. She finds an affordable apartment at 28 Barbary
Lane where she takes up residence with a copywriter frustrated
with having sold out, an oversexed waiter and a mysterious landlady
whose name is an anagram. These characters form the base from
which Maupin plays out the events of 70's and 80's. The writing
is light and captivating and perfect for reading on a beach, airplane
or anywhere you can carve out a couple of minutes.
Pickwick Papers. The reason I like it is because once
you've read it you can turn around and read it again cuz it's
so long. Also you can cut it up. So if you're with a bunch of
people on a backpacking trip can trade chapters Did this in Europe.
London by Edward Rutherford. A great book for traveling
-- it takes a while to read. It is a great history as well as
explanations of architecture and how things came to be.
Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott. Excellent book uplifting,
funny, sad. Everything a book should be. I've recommended it to
many friends -- it's better than a 'beach book,' but perfect for
the beach.
Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner, a Pulitzer prize
winner. It's a fantastic epic story of engineer and his wife on
West Coast. Everyone should read it. I spent a summer reading
it at a summer resort on a lake.
Burlington VT
2 books Bill Bryson - Lost Continent and A Walk in
the Woods. Lost Continent is about driving around country
looking for town with people of this is a wonderful life. Walk
in the Woods - account of 2 men out of shape attempting Appalachian
trail poignant and funny.
of Ellen Montgomery, the author of Anne of Green Gables. Magnificent
descriptions of Prince Edward Island. And Halifax. She went through
a depression while writing an uplifting book.